
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Too pretty to eat: dress cake

I was wandering through Pinterest today, when I found this lovely cake:


I LOVE this cake. It's like a grown up version of a Barbie cake. It combines my two favorite things: fashion, and cake, I mean food. Who am I kidding? Cake is my favorite food. I would love this for my birthday!


  1. Thanks Nishana! I would love to try making it someday, though I know it probably won't look as good!

  2. This is awesome. I want to learn how to bake. I've been trying to learn how to bake for years, but it's seriously something I'm not that great at.


  3. Baking is so easy! I actually just learned how to, 2 years ago. Before that, I did everything with mixes. It all started when I was watching someone make a yellow cake from scratch on tv, when I suddenly said out loud to my family, "hey, I can do that!" So I went to all recipes, looked up yellow cake, and then went to work. It turned out great! It's as easy as following a recipe. I think it might help take the fear out, if you watch someone do it first on You Tube. I know that helps me!

  4. This is so beautiful! I can't believe that someone can make something like this!
